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Please read this important message below to find out how you an improve your testosterone levels.

How Men Who
Eat These 3
“Male Vitality Foods”

Are Sculpting Lean Muscle, Boosting Strength, And Enjoying Energizer-Bunny Energy FAST…

Plus 3 Doctor-Recommended “Healthy Diets” That Every Man Must AVOID If He Wants To Maintain Rock Hard Muscles And A Thriving “Manhood” At Any Age... At Any Age…

Any guy can sculpt the body they want…

Have all the fun they want…

Feel the boundless vigor and energy they want…

Faster than imagined possible.

It doesn’t matter how old they are.

Or how long it’s been since they hit the gym.

All It Takes Is Eating 3 Powerful “Male Vitality Foods” That’ll Make Any Red-Blooded Man’s Mouth Water…

Because these foods… and many others I’ll reveal inside this men’s health report…

Feed the #1 hormone that makes men look, feel, and perform like men…

I know it isn’t “politically correct”, but...

Women And Men Always “Bend The Knee” To Guys With Higher T-Levels…

Women because they want these men…

And other men because they want to be these guys with higher T…

Because it’s men with optimal T that seem to have it all…

A chiseled body that seems irresistible to the opposite sex…

The muscle building support to sprout veiny, grapefruit-sized biceps…

Bench press twice their body weight… effortlessly shred up their midsection…

And maintain the kind of youthful energy that most guys think ends after college…

To hike up a mountain, bike across the country, shoot hoops with the kids, and even roll around on the mat for a few rounds…

Because this master male hormone is responsible for keeping guys in their physical prime

Whether they’re in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond. Plus…

“T” endows men with masculine confidence

That sends a message to his coworkers, peers, even complete strangers… that he’s the alpha. 1 2

YES — It’s THAT powerful…

It’s The Attraction Hormone… Energy Hormone… Muscle Hormone… And Confidence Hormone… All Wrapped In One Package!

And any man can support and boost his T-levels by eating 3 “male vitality foods” I’ll reveal on this page.

So if any guy wants to…

✔ Build a chiseled, movie star physique that looks incredible when the shirt comes off…

✔ Enjoy all-day energy… like their body is running on batteries that never quit…

✔ Unlock faster results from their workouts…

✔ Keep things exciting in the bedroom…

✔ And feel young at heart and capable in body… so one can hike, ski, travel, and live a thriving, exciting life…

And do so in a completely natural way

Without using expensive pills or prescriptions that can do more harm than good…

Then pay close attention to what I’ll say next. Because…

It may only take eating certain foods that’ve been proven to boost this crucial hormone

And avoiding foods that can trash it in the snap of a finger…

Some of which are recommended by doctors, health experts, and fitness professionals…

Yet may tank male T-levels faster than at any other point in history.

Hi — I’m Chad Howse

And after battling lower T during the “prime” of my life…

I More Than Doubled
My T-Levels Naturally…

And since then I’ve dedicated my life to helping men who feel like their ship has sailed…

Regain the power, confidence, and passion they thought was gone forever…

Regardless of age, weight, or even genetics…

In larger part, by simply eating the 3 “male vitality foods”

That don’t give a rip about how “bad” a guy's T-levels are. In fact…

Studies show guys with lower T-levels will probably notice an even faster improvement after eating these foods.

I’ll share exactly what they are in a minute. Including…

A Dirt Cheap T-Boosting Superfood That Was Once “Cancelled” By Every Doctor In America…

And ever since, male T-levels haven’t been the same. Plus…

Two other “male vitality foods” that can help transform any man’s T-levels sooner than he likely believed possible.

I’ll also expose 3 “healthy diets” that can be like weapons of mass destruction against male hormones…

And how the largest studies on men’s health over the last 30-years show changes in T-levels have very little to do with age. 3 4

All of that and more inside this groundbreaking men’s health report. So get excited and pay close attention. Because…

This Man-Centered Style Of Eating Has Already Been Used To Help Transform The Bodies And Minds Of Thousands Of Men Across The World…

Like Nate S. who says…

“The diets my wife used to put me on never worked for me, because they weren’t for men. But when I started eating like a man, my body fat decreased, my energy increased, and I actually enjoy my meals now.”

Or Mark T. who says…

“I struggled with my weight my entire life. And I didn’t understand why, because I thought I was eating healthy… until I found Chad’s eating approach. Since then, I’ve finally been able to stop ‘dieting.’ And his way has helped me build muscle, finally burn fat, and build a body I’m proud of.”

Or how about Ivan B. who says…

“For my entire life I was in ‘average’ shape. I always carried some body fat, especially around my waist. I worked hard and ate healthy, but I couldn't get ‘ripped’. Then I started eating how Chad suggested and it changed my life. It was really easy, too. I feel incredible.”

So before I lay out exactly what these guys did…

And how easy it is to help optimize male hormones and likely become the best version of oneself in the gym, the office, the bedroom, and everywhere else…

Let Me Quickly Share How Eating This Particular Way Help Change My Life In The Face Of My Lower T-Levels.

Like I mentioned a minute ago, my name is Chad Howse

And when I was supposed to be in the “prime” of my life, I found myself more tired, weaker and softer than ever.

I went from being an amateur boxer who thrived off competition…

To settling for the “daily grind” like so many guys do…

Feeling like I wanted to veg-out on the couch when I wasn’t at work…

Going to the gym but still getting fat…

I didn’t feel like “doing it” more days than not…

And the most embarrassing part about it was I was only in my 20s.

I knew something was “off”...

But I never would’ve guessed it had to do with my T-levels…

Because I was taught guys my age didn’t have to worry about that kind of thing…

But after a visit to the doctor…

To see why my body was taking a turn for the worst…

Sure enough, my T-levels were on the “low” end. Now, with that said…

I know a lot of guys have it much worse than I did. For me…

I could just tell something wasn’t right…

But when some guys experience changes to their male hormones…

It Can Feel Like Their Whole World Is Ending…

Years and years go by and their belly keeps expanding like its own universe…

And no amount of diet or exercise seems to make a difference on the scale or in the mirror…

Energy levels drop until getting out of bed in the morning feels like torture

They start to lose the drive and motivation to chase opportunities at work…

And it feels like the guy who was once confident, passionate, and fun…

Has taken an early ride off into the sunset.

But the good news is…

Over the last few years there’s been an explosion of research on male hormones…

And how it works in men in their 40s, 50s, 60s…

And even someone in their 20s like I was when my doctor told me I had lower T. See…

It was once thought that lower T-levels were just a “normal” part of aging…

And any guy reading this has probably been told the same thing…

But New Research Shows Lower T Has Almost Nothing To Do With Aging…

In fact, the largest male aging study ever conducted and a new 2020 study from a top medical school in Israel…

Found that getting older is among the least of a man’s worries when it comes to his T-levels… 5 6

And that explains why a guy like me…

Who was athletic and in great shape all my life…

Started to hit a slump in my mid-20s.

And now that we know T-levels mostly aren’t based on a guy’s age…

(something that’s completely out of one’s control)...

We can actually DO something about it…

And the most amazing part is it’s really easy for any man begin to harness the power of his most important male hormone…

Using a simple and proven way to help boost natural T production…

Beginning as early as today…

Because the 3 “male vitality foods” I’ll reveal in a moment can work similarly to a “cheat code” for helping men maintain their masculinity now and for decades to come.

But before I reveal exactly what these foods are…

There was a time when I went shopping around for drugstore “T-Boosters”, and...

I Can Say That Most “T-Boosters” Are Hot Garbage…

Because most of them use ingredients that’ve been debunked in studies…

Or they use tiny doses of ingredients that have some research behind them…

But because the dose is so small, it likely won’t have much of an effect. Now…

There ARE some good ones out there…

And when guys follow the directions I give them on this page…

They’ll learn my personal opinion on what the cream of the crop, best of the best, natural T-boosters are…

That work with the body to help boost and maintain healthy T-production…

For most guys who use them.

So get excited about that. But…

To help make the biggest and most noticeable impact on T-levels …

Without anything expensive, risky, or even difficult…

A big part of that can be eating the 3 “male vitality foods” on this page…

And AVOIDING the common dieting mistakes that mostof guys fall into…


A Nutrition Plan That Boosts T Levels Really Is Its Own “Animal”...

And you’ll see in a minute that it goes against the grain of a lot of health advice…

Not because it’s “unhealthy” by any means…

(In fact, this is seemingly how men are WIRED to eat)...

But the reason it’ll sound like a contradiction to some…

Is because most “health advice” is geared towards the opposite sex!

When I started getting serious about taking back my T-levels…

I walked through more bookstores than I could count…

And the health and nutrition aisles were packed with material for women…

But it was like a dry wasteland for men’s health…

And even the stuff promoted for men…

Were just female diets re-packaged to look like they were for guys.

So That’s When I Buried Myself In Research To Try And Understand More About The Master Male Hormone…

And how I could help boost my levels naturally…

And keep them healthy, not just in my 20s…

But in my 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond…

So I could help maintain my masculinity and live the thriving life I wanted…

And that’s when I discovered…

3 Food Mistakes That
CRUSH Male T-Levels…

Food Mistake #1:
Low Carb (Keto)

High carb diets make guys fat and tired, right?


Cutting carbs is a bad idea for guys who want to look, feel, and perform like real men…

In fact, studies show men who eat higher carbohydrate diets have 36% more T than guys who eat low carb. 10

Don’t get me wrong…

In order to maintain healthy T-levels, guys need to eat QUALITY carbs.

They can’t just eat Fruity Pebbles and Rice Krispie Treats all day… because that can mess with T-levels, too…

But there are a LOT of carbs that help men boost T and build a movie star body…

And one of those is…

Male Vitality Food #1: Pomegranate

Pomegranates are high in carbs and compounds called “flavonoids” that help protect T-producing cells from damage…

And by protecting testosterone-producing cells… pomegranates help men maintain and increase T-levels. 11 12

Most guys don’t realize things like stress, exercising too long, sleepless nights, and even chemicals inside personal care products and plastics…

Can inflict serious damage on the materials the body uses to create master male hotmone…

But pomegranates can help fight back with amazing power. In fact…

One study found that men who drank pomegranate juice for just 14 days had a surprising 24% increase in T-levels. 13

Food Mistake #2:
High Protein (Carnivore)

High protein diets like the “Carnivore Diet” sound manly…

And back when my T-levels were in the pits, I was constantly chugging protein shakes and eating platefuls of chicken and broccoli

But according to studies…

High protein diets might CRUSH male hormones… 14

And when T levels are lower… building muscle and shedding stubborn belly fat becomes MUCH harder.

But listen…

The trick isn’t to quit eating protein…

Guys need to eat protein in the right proportion to carbs and fats… (which I’ll show how to do in a minute)...

And eat specific kinds of protein like the “male vitality food” below…

Male Vitality Food #2: Wild Caught Salmon

Salmon isn’t just rich in protein…

It’s also packed with healthy fats and vital nutrients that help increase T production…

Like vitamin D, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. 15 16 17

See — when most guys try to get in shape, they’re told to buy the leanest cuts of meat at the grocery store…

But that’s not the best route to take…

Because eating foods with both protein AND fat… like one would get with wild caught salmon and other foods I’ll give guys access to in a minute…

Are super important for optimizing T… (and they taste better, too).

Food Mistake #3:
Low Fat

This is one of the most controversial parts of eating like a man.

Men NEED healthy fats in their diet.

Lots of them.


Because the testicles use dietary fats to create the master male hormone. 18

So when men cut fat out of their diets and substitute fattier cuts of meat for leaner ones…

Or trade bacon and sausage for an English muffin…

It can be detrimental to their male hormones.

But the good news is…

There’s a fatty T-boosting food that’s super cheap and most guys have it sitting in their fridge right now…

Male Vitality Food #3: Eggs

Remember when doctors and health experts “cancelled” eggs?

They said that foods high in saturated fats like eggs, bacon, and sausage were a “heart attack waiting to happen”. Well…

Guess what happened after men started swapping platefuls of eggs with bowls of Cheerios…

Average T levels began to drop. And that’s because…

Without these fats, the body struggles to maintain optimal T-levels. And get this…

The whole idea that eggs and bacon are bad for cholesterol was debunked19

And a 2020 study published in the Public Health Nutrition journal found no correlation between egg consumption and cardiovascular disease risk. 20

Avoiding These 3 Food Mistakes… And Eating These 3 “Male Vitality Foods” Can Help Optimize T-Levels…

I know it sounds almost too easy. But…

When I started eating those three foods

And avoided the dieting mumbo-jumbo I was taught from bodybuilding magazines, health “experts” and even my doctor…

That’s when my body and life began to move in the right direction. Sure…

It’s not like I went to bed feeling weak and bloated and woke up feeling like Captain America…

But after a week I felt like I had more vitality, strength, and drive than I had in a long time…

So I decided if I could feel this good by eating a few critical foods…

Then What Would Happen If I Revolved My Entire Diet Around Eating Mostly T-Boosting Foods?

So I didn’t just stop at pomegranates, salmon, and eggs. And I’m glad I didn’t…

I completely changed the way I eat…

So every time I sat down for a meal, my plate was jam packed with foods that I knew would support my male hormones

And THAT is when I started to notice an incredible difference to my body and health.

After years of struggling with belly fat that just kept piling up…

I sliced almost every ounce of fat from around my gut… (or should I say, my male hormones did all the slicing).

I was putting on muscle faster than ever during my workouts… and was recovering like Wolverine from X-Men…

So quickly that I could hit the gym in the morning… take my dog for a hike in the afternoon… and go out for a jog before the sun went down.

And I had noticeably boosted energy to get more work done throughout the day…

So here’s what I did…

I Was So Blown Away By The Changes I Experienced That I Couldn’t Keep This T-Boosting Diet To Myself…

So I combined everything I learned about what foods boost T… what foods don’t… and how to optimize male hormones through nutrition…

Into a complete protocol that hundreds of men have already used to lay claim to their God-given masculinity

So that any guy who wants to experience a noticeable boost to their male hormones

To look in the mirror and see the man he wants to be staring back at him…

With chiseled biceps and pecs… and washboard abs

Supercharged energy that lasts from morning to night…

And all the other perks reserved for men who optimize this crucial hormone…

Can help unlock their masculinity by eating delicious, mouth-watering, man-boosting foods, using…

The Man Diet Bundle is for men who want to help optimize their male hormones and get the most out of life.

It’s a game-changer for helping any eager guy naturally and powerfully boost the hormone that makes men, men.

By following the protocol inside this bundle…

Most men can begin to help launch their T-levels higher than it’s been since high school

Sculpt a lean, muscular physique almost impossibly fast…

Enjoy all-day “never surrender” energy…

And feel confidence, youth, and passion at any age and for the rest of their lives.

Simply put…

Anyone Who’s Got A “Johnson” Dangling Between His Legs Should Consider Giving The Man Diet Bundle A Shot…

And when guys start applying what’s inside…

They can expect to see a noticeable difference sooner than they likely thought possible. Like…

✔ Jumping out of bed with a surge of vitality first thing in the morning…

✔ Having more power and stamina to push more weight and see faster results from their workouts…

✔ Showing off a firm, chiseled midsection and lean cuts of muscle…

✔ Maintaining sniper-like focus all day at the office while everyone else is trapped in a fog…

✔ Feeling sure of themselves in any situation because they’ve got floods of the “confidence hormone” pulsing through their veins…

✔ And so much more…

And it’s so simple that most guy can follow it… regardless of where they’re starting from today…

Here’s Everything You Get Inside

The Man Diet isn’t a hyper-restrictive diet…

It’s actually really easy to follow and surprisingly flexible… so most guys can eat the foods they want and still boost their T-levels…

Because inside The Man Diet I’ll reveal how to help support male hormones using “food swaps” that are crazy simple to implement… but make all the difference in the world…

So most guys who read it won’t only enjoy mouth-watering foods packed with T-boosting nutrients for men who want more energy and satisfaction…

But they’ll also have extra support to attain head-turning body while they’re at it.

Inside The Man Diet
You’ll Learn…

  • How I went from lingering on the low-end of T-production… to off the charts T-levels by making a few simple tweaks to my diet… (it can be surprisingly easy to boost masculinity by following these same little “T-tweaks”.)
  • A simple method most guys can do right now to help spike T-levels up to 500%! Page 105.
  • 9 foods that help harden up the stomach, chest and everywhere else... (these foods lower the #1 hormone responsible for pesky body fat problems… and boost your male hormones, too!)
  • 7 foods that help supercharge a guy’s “manhood” before he and his lady hit the sack. Page 155.
  • Why “T” is known as “The Wolverine Hormone”... and can help most guys recover faster from workouts and injuries than they could without it… (and how to “manipulate” Wolverine-like recovery to build more muscle and burn fat.) Page 23.
  • How your master male hormone can act like a powerful “attraction chemical” that makes certain men almost irresistible to women . (It’s like having a superpower with… use it wisely). Page 22.

“Trojan Horse” T-Lowering Chemicals Snuck Into Food, Water, Plastics, And Other Items Used On A Daily Basis That Can Have A Negative Impact On Male Hormones!

It’s TRUE…

T levels have been affected by these chemicals for decades.

The hardest part about it, is it doesn’t LOOK obvious. It’s more like guerilla warfare

Sneaky, tactical, and happy to pick off a few unsuspecting guys here and there. Learn how to fight back on page 26…

And then flip to page 79 for…

  • The “T Surge Cocktail” most guys can drink first thing in the morning to almost instantly boost T-levels…
  • A 2-minute “power pose” that can increase T-levels 20%. (At work, in the shower, wherever… it works for most guys who wants a quick boost.)
  • How to create “mini-competitions” to boost T-levels throughout the day. (One guy won a “mini-competition” with himself and boosted his master male hormone by 78%!) Learn how on page 46.
  • A seemingly “effortless” way to boost T levels every single night. (Doing this can potentially more than DOUBLE T-levels without lifting a finger.) Page 47.
  • A T-boosting oil to douse on a baked potato, salad, or even a piece of toast that helps lower inflammation and help boost T by 17%. Page 134.
  • An “underwear trick” that can improve T levels… (I know it sounds weird, but this could be the an x-factor for master male hormone.)
  • How turning the shower handle THIS specific direction can help boost T-levels. (In the 1800s there was an entire therapy that used this “shower trick” to pump up a guy’s manhood.)

A 3-Second “Breathing Hack” That Can Help Boost The Master Male Hormone… (Doing This Man-Boosting Breathing Trick Before Lunch Can Give Men A Stockpile Of T To Work With!)

It’s little things like those that can support healthy T-levels

It seems so simple… and it can be!

But we’re still not done! Inside The Man Diet guys will also learn…

  • How to drink alcohol and boost T at the same time. (But keep in mind… there’s a certain type of alcohol that might throw male hormones out of whack and I’ll reveal exactly what it is on page 69.)
  • How having more T helps guys WIN… and how WINNING increases T! (If a guy can “hack” this cycle and WIN, WIN, WIN… T-levels will likely shoot through the roof… and stay there! Find out how on page 105.)
  • 9 foods guys might want to AVOID if they want to maintain high T-levels. Page 70.
  • How to build a T Boosting Routine. (most guys who follow this routine can look in the mirror each night knowing he’s a better man than when he woke up in the morning… with higher T-levels, too!)
  • Why men don’t need to eat chicken and broccoli every few hours to maintain muscle mass. (Do THIS instead to help create “anabolic spikes” in the precise muscle sculpting window to build a cover model physique faster than most guys believe possible) Page 111.
  • How guys can manually switch their body into “fat burning mode” practically on command! (Turning on this “metabolic switch” really can be almost as easy as flipping on a light. I’ll reveal exactly how to do it on page 116.)
  • And so much more!

Check Out What Other Guys Are Saying About The Man Diet…

“Chad is the real deal. A real man, and he has the knowledge and skill to back it up.

This book is a must read for all men and should be on every man's night stand.. Chad reveals some truths about testosterone that I had never known before, and helped me make adjustments in my own life.

I wish I would have known about this stuff ten years ago, but better late than never. This book isn't just about a ‘Diet’. It's about a lifestyle, being a man, and being free to be who you are made to be.”

Max D.

“Want to feel better, sleep better, lose weight, and have more energy? Chad lays it all out… what to eat, what to stay away from, and why.

It’s an easy read, and a great resource to help you man up, feel better, build muscle, lose weight, and become the man you want to be.

Ryan A.

“Excellent book, tons of well researched information and a real page turner.

A must have book for anyone trying to optimize testosterone levels and become the man they were meant to be.”

Jimmie W.

As great as The Man Diet is, I want to give you so much more today. And that’s because…

Eating like a man and optimizing male hormones is so important to a guy’s health, performance, and search for meaning in life…

That I wanted to make it as easy as possible to start following the principles inside The Man Diet right away…

Which is why I want you to also have…

The Man Diet Cookbook

I’m a firm believer that T-boosting meals that help guys build muscle, torch body fat, feel energized, and all the other perks that come with having high T…

Don’t have to taste bland. In fact…

It should taste amazing. After all…

Hard working men deserve good-tasting food.

That’s why I created The Man Diet Cookbook to partner with The Man Diet… so guys can eat optimally and enjoy every bite.

Here’s A Taste Of What’s Inside The Man Diet Cookbook…

  • My “famous” turkey meatloaf recipe. Not only does it pack a powerful T-boosting punch… but my buddies beg me to make it for our Poker Nights. (I need some other guys to try it so I know they’re not pretending it’s good and feeding it to my dogs under the table.)
  • My Nonna’s Chicken Parmesan recipe that’s also a great T-boosting dinner… (And like you’ll learn in The Man Diet, my Nonna is one of the toughest women I know who came over here from Italy… so this dish will taste like real Italian cuisine.)
  • Reece’s Peanut Butter Cup oatmeal. (Yep, you read that right… a T-boosting oatmeal that tastes like Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups… does it get any better than that?) Page 15.
  • Guys need to stay away from fried foods to stay healthy right? WRONG! Try the Country Fried Chicken on page 59. It uses a handful of anabolic spices and crumbs to help boost male hormones. (It’s like a big bucket of KFCexcept every bite helps increase T!)
  • 2 T-boosting flapjack recipes that’ll take you back to the good ol’ days when you’d gobble down a warm stack of pancakes while watching Saturday morning cartoons.
  • The Man Diet ground buffalo chili. This is my absolute FAVORITE meal to eat on frigid days. Not only does it taste incredible but the blend of herbs and spices with the buffalo meat make this a gourmet T-boosting masterpiece! Page 65.
  • Share the dessert on page 141 with HER for some fun in the bedroom. (The main ingredient has been shown to boost libido in men AND women.)
  • My “Big Mouth Bison Burger” with a side of sweet potato mash. (I love to pack this burger with blue cheese, lettuce, tomato… sometimes I’ll even crisp a few homemade onion rings to give it an extra CRUNCH! Page 68.
  • 5 man-hancing muffin recipes that satisfy the sweet tooth and help increase T-levels… (plus these muffins are the size of a bear paw, they’re so big… they’re not some dinky mini-muffins that are gone in one bite.)
  • 15 Quick & Easy Tuna Recipes most guys can make when they’re in a rush, on-the-go, or just want a quick T-boost. (These are so simple a monkey could do it… just crack open a can of tuna and follow one simple step to turn that tuna into delicious cuisine.)
  • Protein-packed “BBQ Pulled Pork Sliders”. Whip these up any time there’s a hankerin’ for southern BBQ to help boost T-levels at the same time!
  • Coffee mug brownies that help men build muscle and torch body fat. (Best part? No baking required. Just follow 2 steps and the brownies are ready in 60-seconds or less.)
  • Protein bars that don’t taste like sh!%! (I’ve included 5 T-boosting protein bar recipes that are amazing after a workout… not dry and chalky like the crap at the grocery store.)
  • And so much more!

And listen…

I’m not a chef by any means… so I got some help with these recipes from a professional. But…

I also made sure each recipe is super simple for guys who aren’t wizards in the kitchen…

So it doesn’t matter if one knows their way around the kitchen or not…

Most guys who flip open The Man Diet Cookbook will have no problem following each of these recipes and getting the final product to taste amazing.

And we’re still not done…

Even though The Man Diet and The Man Diet Cookbook are amazing resources to help guys support their male hormones…

When I created this bundle, I decided that I wouldn’t leave any stone unturned…

Which is why you’ll also get…

The Man Diet Meal Plans

Knowing WHAT to eat isn’t enough for some guys… that’s why I also want to give away The Man Diet Meal Plans in this bundle.

These are the best meal plans for men who want to follow The Man Diet and boost T, improve health and body composition… but without an ounce of guesswork or having to figure out when and what to eat.

It’s can be as easy as plug n’ play… and those T-levels will soar to new heights!

Inside The Man Diet Meal Plans, Guys Will Get…

  • The meal plan quick start guide so guys know exactly how to start boosting T-levels and hitting their ideal physiques faster than they probably thought they could!
  • The complete man-boosting grocery list. (Guys who take this list to the store… and ONLY buy items on it… simply can’t lose. It couldn’t get any easier.)
  • A complete day of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks that’ll help boost T… (Just follow the plan as I’ve laid out to build muscle and shed fat.)
  • The natural T-boosting supplements I personally take and recommend every guy should try (and when to take them throughout the day for optimal results).
  • The perfect time to have a “cheat meal”... (it’s a lot more often than most guys think… and this meal can help supercharge the male hormones when timed the right way.)

The Man Diet Bundle Will Play A Huge Role In Helping Keep A Man’s Master Male Hormone High And Healthy…

Because The Man Diet Bundle is based on decades of research and hundreds of studies…

To help men get a “big and bad” boost in T...

Take a pause and think about that for a minute…

And I mean really think about it…

After ordering The Man Diet Bundle, which you’re just seconds away from doing…

How Good Will It Feel To Have A Fresh, Powerful, And Life-Changing Surge Of T Stampeding Through The Body?

To look in the mirror and feel proud of what’s in the reflection… muscles rippling across the chest and shoulders… thick veins snaking down the biceps and forearms…

Even veins in the abs that lead down to you-know-where…

And when she sees how hard the body has gotten…

She won’t be able to keep her hands to herself…

And with all that touching going on…

It’s just natural that things get “steamy.”

And won’t it feel amazing to be confident?

Confident enough to take risks… to take charge…

And to grab life by the horns until it bows to the will?

That’s The Kind Of POWER Men Have Access To Right Here And Now…

Because that’s the power of the master male hormone…

And most guys who follow what I’ve laid out in The Man Diet Bundle can hope to experience all of that and more…

Regardless of where they’re starting from today…

Because not only is following everything inside this bundle incredibly easy…

Men To Eat. Period.

And following The Man Diet Bundle is more bulletproof than most of “T-boosters” out there…

(though on the next page, I’ll share my favorite natural T-boosters with guys who purchase The Man Diet Bundle)...

So if that sounds like something worth having, then The Man Diet Bundle is a no brainer.

But It’s Important To Act Fast…

Because In the world we live in today, the idea of a “man diet” isn’t very popular.

So I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some people who didn’t want guys seeing or knowing about this…

So I’m not sure how much longer this page will be available.

So it’s important to act fast and I’ve made it really easy to do that. See…

Like I mentioned earlier…

I Want To Help As Many Men As Possible Feel Like The Men They Were Created To Be…

And that likely won’t happen eating a feminizing diet or following diet trends that lower T-levels.

Which is why I wanted to make The Man Diet Bundle accessible to as many men as possible…

And Kept The Price Way Down For The Entire Man Diet Bundle For Guys Who Step Up Today…

So when you order The Man Diet Bundle today you’ll get everything for just $37

Which is chump change considering guys who use The Man Diet Bundle

Can help boost the hormone that makes them strong, confident, and full of passion

For less than just one dinner at a cheap restaurant.

So here’s how to order…

Click The Button Below That Says, “Yes! Sign Me Up To Eat Like A Man!”

After you do that, you’ll be taken to a 256-bit encrypted checkout page where you can complete your order…

Which takes less than 60-seconds to fill out and your information is safe and sound…

And just moments after that, I’ll send you the links where you can access all the digital products you’ll get today with The Man Diet Bundle…

So any guy can get started using it right away.

So don’t wait any longer, click the button below to get started.

Yes! Sign Me Up To Eat Like A Man!
The 100% No-Risk Promise
365 Day Money Back Guarantee

And like I said before…

I want to make sure nothing stands in the way of getting access to this information…

And that’s because optimizing T-levels is important for supporting performance and vitality

So that’s why I made a way for guys to order The Man Diet Bundle 100% risk-free

With My 365-Day, No Questions Asked 100% Money Back Guarantee…

Here’s how it works…

If you want The Man Diet Bundle

Or even if you’re on the fence

All you have to do is click the button below to gain immediate access to everything inside.

Most guys are blown away by how quickly they boost their T- levels…

How much easier it is to build muscle and lose body fat…

How much energy they have…

And the return of drive and confidence…

But if for any reason that isn’t the experience…

Then send me an email within 60-days and I’ll refund the $37… no questions asked.

So even if you feel like “maybe” you want to try The Man Diet Bundle

But you aren’t sure if it’s a good fit…

You can order now… try it out for the next two months… and if it isn’t everything you expected, just let me know.

Why am I offering this?

Again, it’s because healthy T-levels are crucial for male health and performance…

And being the strong, thriving, driven men they were created to be…

And I firmly believe this is the answer.

So that’s why I’m putting all the risk on my shoulders…

Because I won’t stop at anything to help guys experience the life they want.

But that’s not all I want to give you today…

When you purchase The Man Diet Bundle…

I Also Want To Send You 2 Fast Action Bonuses
($46 Value) For FREE!

Bonus #1: The Alpha Program
($27 value FREE!)

Traditional workouts can be a problem for T-levels…

That’s why every guy who purchases The Man Diet Bundle will get a free copy of The Alpha Program. See…

Men who want to see a difference in their T-levels can’t settle for “bro splits” or “CrossFit” or those P90x workouts that have guys jumping around their living room like fairies…

They need proven T-boosting movements that can help unleash a powerful surge of male hormones from start to finish.

Inside The Man Workout I’ll lay out the entire protocol so guys can boost T-levels… and build a harder, stronger, more impressive physique.

Bonus #2: Legendary Sex Drive
($19 value FREE!)

Almost nothing makes a guy feel more like a man than when he’s performing in the bedroom…

And with all the newfound T most guys gain by following The Man Diet Bundle…

It’s only natural to learn how to use it

That’s why I’m giving away Legendary Sex Drive with every purchase of The Man Diet Bundle…

And this is the complete guide on sex drive… and it’s chock full of more “intimate” details I didn’t add in The Man Diet…

So open it up and start using it as early as tonight to help keep the fire alive in the bedroom.

So now that you’ve seen everything you get today…

Including the 2 FREE bonuses that add up to $46…

As well as the incredible discount you’re getting on The Man Diet Bundle

It’s time to go ahead and place your order. And again…

Click The Button Below That Says, “Yes! Sign Me Up To Eat Like A Man!”

Yes! Sign Me Up To Eat Like A Man!
The 100% No-Risk Promise
365 Day Money Back Guarantee

There Are Only Two Kinds Of Men…

1) Guys who pass up on the nutrition protocol that helps boost the very hormone that makes men, men…


2) Guys who harness the amazing opportunity sitting at their fingertips… to upgrade their master male hormones… and increase the muscle, energy, opportunities, and more… as they start eating like a man.

Every man has to decide for himself which one he’s gonna be…

I’m shocked that any guy would walk away from this page and go back to their old ways…

But here’s what I know deep down…

Guys Who’ve Gotten All The Way Down To This Point In The Report Know That Something’s Got To Change…

They want to feel alive…

And want to feel alive again…

Like the warrior, the alpha, the king… the MAN they were created to be…

With muscle that looks good and makes him feel like a million bucks when he catches looks at the beach…

Or when he’s wearing a polo that fits tight in all the right places… and loose in all the “wrong” ones…

To feel like a champ in the bedroom…

To have the energy and stamina of a college jock… regardless of how many candles are on the birthday cake…

To explore, adventure into the unknown, and win every game life throws at him…

To be “the man” at the office…

With unshakable focus and drive that earns him the kind of respect he deserves…

And the chiseled jaw and perfectly shaped physique to solidify his status as “the man who has it all.”

I know it sounds crazy…

But All Of That May Be Right Around The Corner Just By Choosing To Step-Up And Eat Like A Man…

And that’s why The Man Diet Bundle exists…

To give every guy who’s reading this an opportunity to be the best man he can be…

To live a fulfilling life with healthy T-levels…

And to stay in his prime at any age…

And that’s why I strongly urge you to click the button below and simply try The Man Diet Bundle risk-free.

In My Opinion, It’s The Best Decision Most Guys Can Make To Maintain Their Strength, Mojo, And Confidence…

So act right now while you can claim the entire bundle for less than a dinner on the town…

By clicking the button below.

There’s never been a better time to do this than right now…

And since you’re covered by a money back guarantee, there’s NO downside

You either love everything inside the The Man Diet Bundle AND get results…

…or you pay nothing.

Are you ready?

Then man-up…

Click the button below to get started…

And I’ll see you inside.

Click The Button Below That Says, “Yes! Sign Me Up To Eat Like A Man!”

Yes! Sign Me Up To Eat Like A Man!
The 100% No-Risk Promise
365 Day Money Back Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is The Man Diet Bundle for?

The Man Diet Bundle is for men who want to optimize their male hormones, look great without a shirt on and thrive in life by eating a diet that supports T-levels.

The Man Diet Bundle can help guys eat like a men, live like a men, and act like a men.

What if I try to follow The Man Diet, but can’t stick to it?

This isn’t one of those super-restrictive diets that make guys feel bad every time they have some fun. In fact…

Most guys are shocked by how flexible The Man Diet is. I promise…

If guys just stick with the plan 90% of the time, they’ll notice a huge difference with their T-levels, body, energy, and every other part of their manhood.

But if for any reason it doesn’t work out, I’m offering a 60-Day, no questions asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee…

Meaning any guy who doesn’t see the results they were hoping for can send me an email and let me know and I’ll issue a full refund.

How long will it take to see results?

Everybody is different, but The Man Diet Bundle is designed to help guys get results FAST.

Most guys notice a night-and-day difference to how they look and feel within the first 30-days and the results only get more exciting from there.

How does the guarantee work again?

Simple. You have 60-days to try out The Man Diet Bundle and see incredible results.

If for whatever reason you don’t see the results you want or you aren’t satisfied with the bundle, just send me an email within 60-days of your order and I’ll issue a full refund, no questions asked.

How long will The Man Diet Bundle be available?

I can’t say for sure. If it were up to me, then forever. But…

The fact that The Man Diet is all about masculinity is like having a target on its back…

And that’s because “manliness” isn’t “politically correct” in our culture today, which is tragic.

So that’s why it’s so important to act now while you still can.

I’m ready to order! How do I do that again?

It’s easy…

Click the yellow button that says, “Yes! Sign Me Up To Eat Like A Man!”

Take a few seconds to enter your information on our secure checkout page…

And as soon as you finish that you’ll gain instant access to everything inside The Man Diet Bundle plus the free bonuses…

And can begin optimizing T-levels and get all the perks reserved for guys with healthy male hormones.

And remember, you’re backed with an unconditional 60 day 100% money back guarantee…

So this is one of those rare “no risk, all reward” opportunities that don’t come around very often in life.

So go ahead and place your order now…

And experience the power of eating like a man.

Click The Button Below That Says, “Yes! Sign Me Up To Eat Like A Man!”

Yes! Sign Me Up To Eat Like A Man!
The 100% No-Risk Promise
365 Day Money Back Guarantee