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Read Below Before You Do Anything Else

Hey man. Chad here again…

And I want to congratulate you on your decision to grab your supply of Man Greens. I truly believe you just made one of the best decisions of your life…

And I want to reward you for it…

So please don’t hit the “back” button or exit off this page because it might cause errors with your order. And I promise I’ll keep it short.

You should feel incredibly proud of yourself because…

You Did What Most
Guys Won’t Do…

You woke up dog-tired this morning and were willing to admit that you needed a change…

Under a lot of stress and missing the drive you used to have…

Dragging through your workouts…

Fighting a losing battle against belly fat…

Seeing the effect that lower testosterone levels were having on your sex drive…

Mood and motivation…

And you were slowly becoming a man you didn’t want to be.

And you weren’t only willing to admit it… (which is where most guys stop)...

You Did Something About It…

And made the smart choice to grab your supply of Man Greens…

And beginning just days from now…

You’ll instantly shift from becoming a run-down, tired-out version of yourself…

To the most driven version of yourself…

Pumping with more testosterone than you’ve had in years…

With streamlined energy and focus to get more done…

You’ll trade stubborn, jiggly body fat for sculpted muscle…

And unlock the vitality, power and health to get and stay at the top of your game from here on out…

All because you decided to make Man Greens your new daily ritual for optimal testosterone.

So you didn’t just buy a supplement today. You made a decision to change your life. And…

While All The Other Guys Are Fine Going From Being A “Stud” To A “Dud”…

You’ve got a secret weapon that’ll give you an edge none of these guys know about.

And while they’re fizzling out in the middle of the day…

You’ll run circles around them at the gym and the office…

And while their wives are complaining that they’re a sad sack of potatoes in the bedroom…

Your partner’s whispering to her girlfriends about how much “get up” you have…

Not to mention how great you look with and without clothes on…

All because you’ve taken back your testosterone levels…

And your body’s going to reward you for that.

But with all that said… I want to make today even sweeter for you…

And Give You A Special Opportunity On This Page Only…

That Only Lasts For The Next Few Minutes While We Have Your Box Open At The Warehouse…

To add 6 more bottles of Man Greens to your order for just $49.95 per bottle…

Which is an even better deal than you saw on the last page…

And the absolute lowest price you’ll ever be able to get Man Greens for. And…

Here’s Why You Need To Take This Opportunity And Run With It…


We sincerely want to give you the opportunity of a lifetime as a way of saying “thanks”…

We can’t offer bottles of Man Greens for this low of a price all the time…

Doing so would leave our bottom line in the red… and we’d have to shut down completely…

But it’s also important to us to reward action takers… because it’s a good quality for men to have…

So that’s why we want to give you this special opportunity to grab more bottles now.

So even though I’d love to give bottles of Man Greens away for this price all the time… it’s just not possible. So this is an amazing opportunity for you to pull the trigger and save big.


You’ll need to come back and get more bottles to balance cortisol and keep your testosterone levels high… so this will save you time and money…

We’ve had a lot of guys start taking Man Greens… and then kick themselves when they run out of bottles…

Because as soon as they stop… they can feel cortisol start to jockey for control of their lives again.

And once you feel the power of the testosterone-boosting ingredients inside Man Greens and how they boost drive, energy, and performance… you’ll NEVER want to go back…

And that means you’re going to come back for more bottles of Man Greens after your supply runs out…

So by grabbing 6 more right now… you’ll stay ahead of the game and be stocked up for 6 more months for the cheapest price you’ll ever see and without having to come back later to order and pay more.


Studies show the longer you use Man Greens the better the results get…

So if you want to maintain high and healthy testosterone levels for many months to come and have an abundance of vitality and all-day drive…

Build muscle and lose fat easier… sculpt a body you’re proud of… perform better than any other guy she’s been with in bed… and feel confident in your body and your capabilities…

Then you’re going to want to keep taking Man Greens consistently month after month

So covering yourself with 6 more months of Man Greens starting right now with these triple discounted bottles is the best move.


These bottles are backed by the same 365-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee and you’ll get FREE shipping on these bottles too…

So adding these additional bottles of Man Greens to your order is just as risk-free and simple as the supply you purchased a moment ago…

If for any reason you don’t notice a powerful boost in every area of life while taking Man Greens

Just let me know and you’ll get a full refund for these 6 bottles… AND the supply you purchased a moment ago. No questions asked.

And finally…

Out of stocks are a very real risk…

With how many guys are choosing the 6 bottle option already… and saying “yes” to the same opportunity in front of you right now…

We’re going to sell out fast. And once we do, it could take weeks before we get another supply in…

Because the ingredients inside our formula are hard to get our hands on… and that means it takes longer to get the ingredients in when we run out…

So those are a few reasons why you should stock up on 6 more bottles of Man Greens for the lowest price you’ll ever see while you have the opportunity to do so on this page.

If You Say “No” On This Page, There’s No Going Back…

And we need you to make your decision fast…

Because this offer only lasts while the guys still have your box open at the warehouse.

And once it’s closed… it’s closed for good.

So it’s time to make your decision…

Right now the guys at the warehouse are already working on your order…

And They Need To Know If They ShouldAdd 6 More Bottles Before They Close Up Your Box…

And unless they get a notification within the next few minutes that says to add more bottles…

They’ll just assume you don’t want more bottles of Man Greens and that’ll be that. This discounted opportunity will be gone forever.


Do you want to stick with the supply you have and see some good results… and run out of supply when you start to really notice a difference… and have to pay up to $99 per bottle for Man greens in the future?

Or will you take me up on this special one time offer to stock up on 6 more bottles of Man Greens for just $49.95 per bottle… a price you’ll never see again…

And discover the T-boosting power of this formula…

Skyrocket your results in the gym and performance in the bedroom…

Gain more drive and grit for everyday life…

And enjoy all the perks reserved for guys with the focus, strength and the energy to go all day and night?

If that sounds like something you want, then…

Click The “Add To Order” Button Below Before Time Runs Out…

And we’ll toss in the 6 additional bottles of Man Greens to your order right now.

You won’t have to re-enter your credit card information or anything like that. We’ve already got that squared away from the last page.

And remember 3 things…

1) Your bottles are covered by our 365-day 100% money back guarantee. So… you can say “yes” now while this offer is on the table and change your mind later if you need to…

2) If you say “no” on this page, you’ll miss out on the opportunity to get 6 bottles of Man Greens for the lowest triple discount price you’ll ever see…

3) You have to make your decision right now because the guys at the warehouse are packing up your order… and if they don’t get a notification in a minute… they’ll complete the order and you’ll miss out on this offer.

So go ahead and do that now…

Click The Yellow “Add To Order” Button Below Before We Close Up Your Box.

I’m really excited for you and can’t wait to hear about your experience with Man Greens.