Now That You Have
Man Greens…

Do THIS Trick Before Bed And She’ll Be Grinning Ear To Ear Next Time You Have Sex…

Do NOT Click The “Back” Button. It May Cause Errors To Your Order.

Hey— Chad here again…

And before we complete your order I want to tell you about a sex drive hack that hundreds of guys are already thanking me for

And because you’re a new member of the MitaNutra family… I want to let you know about it too. But first…

Let me tell you a quick story about two neighbors… John and Mike…

Who Have Two Very Different Bedroom Experiences.

John used to think that the “bedtime headache” was an excuse women gave men when they didn’t want to have sex…

But now the tables have turned.

His hot, free-spirited wife is ready for action…

But the only sensation he can feel is blood rushing to his face…

And his skin breaking into a cold clammy sweat...

He doesn’t want to risk the humiliation again…

Where his “manhood” fizzles out

And no matter what she tries to get his engine going…

NOTHING Can “Get It Up”...

He can’t stand seeing that “is this REALLY happening” look in her eyes AGAIN…

Or hear her tell him…

“It’s okay John, maybe next time”...

When John doesn’t know if there will be a next time…

Or if his hot wife’s “next time” will be her going out looking for someone else…

Even with that absolutely gut-wrenching thought...

For John… it’s easier to lie and say he has a headache

Because even that is less embarrassing than losing his erection again.

Meanwhile Across The Street…

John’s neighbor Mike… who is considerably older than John…

Is snuggling next to his wife in the hot tub…

After an unscripted frenzy of love-making that caught them both by surprise while they were cleaning up after dinner.

And judging by the way she’s sitting on his lap…

The smile she’s wearing…

And that “come hither” look in her eye...

It looks like they’re in for an encore with wild erotic passion that can be heard halfway down the street.

There’s no disappointments…

No slowing down…

No fancy tricks to try and keep it up…

Instead Mike is operating on pure, reliable, hard-charging, piston-like stamina and staying-power that keeps his lady going for as long as they want…

Want to know Mike’s secret?

Good because…

I’m Going To Share The #1 Difference Between The Two Men I Mentioned Above…

How you’ve been lied to about your libido…

And why your sex drive most likely has less to do with your testosterone than you think. 1

I’ll share why in just a minute. Plus…

I’ll introduce you to an ancient group of libido-boosting superfoods…

That’ll kick just about any sex drive into high gear…

Regardless of age, fitness level, hormones or any other reason you’ve been told men have to slow down in the bedroom.

So if you…

  • Have noticed that sex is becoming a little “vanilla” lately…
  • Are starting to wonder if you should call the phone number of one of those TV commercials with the couples sitting in bathtubs…
  • Want to get back to spontaneous, impulsive, explosive love making in the back-seat of your car again…
  • Want the woman you’re with to feel as sexy as ever because of how quickly your “buddy” springs into action...
  • Call the shots in bed and go for as long as you want with the piston-like stamina and confidence to satisfy her deepest needs everytime...

Then keep reading. And I promise I’ll be brief…

Because not only will I reveal the ancient superfoods that can help unleash your libido...

One of which was…

Banned By The Spanish Military In The 1700s Because It Boosted Libido Too Much

And another Indian aphrodisiac herb that western scientists thought was a hoax until they tried it

But you’ll also learn of a 3-part “mojo mechanism” behind rock-hard erections that has nothing to do with testosterone. Plus…

Your body’s biggest sex organ— (which is NOT your “manhood”)... and how to use it to give her more pleasure…

And an ingredient that Harvard University swears by for bigger, more noticeably filling erections.

And I get it…

This isn’t always the most fun topic to talk about…

And the only reason I bring it up is because some guys struggle in the bedroom…

And it’s not their fault…

There are a lot of factors at play…

Whether it’s stress at work…

Having screaming kids in the house…

Starting new medication…

Some guys find it’s just more difficult to get hard. And…

They’ve Gone From Being 10/10 Excited About Sex… To 4/10 On A Good Day

And now their partner is stuck in a “dead bedroom.”

But it doesn’t only affect their relationship…

They lose motivation in other areas of life, too.

Going out and being social is less appealing…

They lose that “killer instinct” at work…

And because they’re having less sex… taking care of his body and hygiene is less important.

It’s all related…

Because for men, libido is a hidden motivator that propels us forward

Helps us rise to the challenge

Makes us more likely to take a risk or two

And keeps confidence levels high

So yeah— there are a lot of ways manliness is linked with libido.

And after hearing tons of stories like the ones I just mentioned… I did a lot of research to help these guys out

And I’ve learned more about this topic than I ever really thought I would. But I’m glad I did because...

It Led Me To Discover A Full Gamut Of Libido-boosting Superherbs That Can Help Jumpstart Your Sex Drive…

Used by ancient civilizations to give men stallion-like power with their lady… even after exhausting days of hunting, gathering and defending their communities.

Each of these ingredients supports internal mechanisms that create sexual desire

So you and her can get back to doing things that would make her blush if anyone else found out about it

Plus— maintain the drive and staying power that gets her engine roaring and makes you feel on top of the world again…

By rebooting a 3-part mojo mechanism to boost your sex drive and get your manhood back…

Using a specific group of natural ingredients found on God’s green earth.

But before I get to those ingredients… let me quickly tell you about this 3-part mojo mechanism.

Mojo Mechanism #1: Your Brain

Your brain is your biggest sex organ…

And in order to get in the mood and kick off the whole shebang

You must have healthy levels of a “pleasure chemical” called dopamine.

Dopamine is a “neurotransmitter” which means it sends messages from the brain… down to your “manhood”...

And if it’s too low, it’s impossible to get revved up down there. 2

A Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover model could walk into the room half-naked and it wouldn’t do anything for you.

The solution: Studies show there’s a subset of herbs called “adaptogens” that have been used for centuries in eastern cultures…

That supports dopamine levels in the brain so when the moment’s right you’ll spring into action without hesitation.3

And not only do these adaptogens keep the connection between your brain and your manhood in sync

But they also regulate a positive mood… 4

So those things that drag most guys’ libido down in the dirt… like a long day at the office or things just not going your way… won’t have to slow you down.

I’ll give you a list of the best libido-boosting adaptogens in a minute.

Mojo Mechanism #2: Blood Flow

To achieve a firm erection…

And keep it up for as long as she wants to fool around…

Your “manhood” needs to hold a good amount of blood flow… Up to 8x the amount you need when it’s flaccid. 5

The more blood flow you can get moving in that direction the bigger and harder you’re going to be.

Blood flow also intensifies sexual urges...6 7

The problem is blood flow becomes challenging with age and other health factors.

The solution: Ancient cultures have been using blood-flow boosting ingredients for thousands of years to enhance the sexual experience.

And there’s a certain compound found in evergreen trees in west Africa and roots from Malaysia that’s been shown to support blood flow to one area in particular

Yep— the penis.

And these ingredients open up blood vessels and make them wider for better blood flow…

Which is going to make a difference that she can’t help but notice.

I’ll tell you more about these ingredients in a moment. But first you want to understand the final mojo mechanism which is...

Mojo Mechanism #3: Stamina

Good sex takes energy…

And if you’re going to rock her world… losing steam midway through is not going to cut it.

And “losing your load” just a minute or two after she gets on top of you…

Is going to leave her disappointed and maybe even resentful.

So it does no good if you get your desire back, and can get it up…

But you can’t give her the satisfaction she deserves.

The Solution: This is actually a lot easier than most guys make it out to be…

Because there’s a group of superfoods that support staying power

So whether she wants 30-minutes of slow and romantic connection…

Or 10-minutes of rough sex where she’s going buck wild the whole time…

You can deliver in her time without having to take a break…

Or taking your mind off how good it feels.

And you can be full throttle in the moment.

By Supporting These 3 Mojo Mechanisms In Your Body… You Can Become A “Made Man” In The Bedroom Again…

And begin to enjoy…

  • Teenage-like desire for the woman you’re with…
  • An impressively full, rock-hard erection…
  • Boosted staying power…
  • College jock energy to keep up with her…
  • That mind-blowing feeling between you and her again…
  • And confidence that extends from the bedroom into every area of life…

All it takes is a group of ancient superfoods that are now being rediscovered as the kings of natural sexual performance enhancers.

The first one of these superfoods was used by the Spanish army in the 1700s to increase energy and drive to prepare them for battle…

But Was Later Banned Because It Heightened Their Libido Too Much... 8

It’s called Maca Root… which is also an ingredient we have inside Man Greens… but it isn’t the full story for libido.

A study from Zurich, Switzerland found there’s a certain compound inside maca root called “p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate”... and this compound creates aphrodisiac-like activity in the body. 9

An aphrodisiac is something that stimulates sexual desire, sexual behavior and sexual pleasure

It’s the powerful love chemical behind sex legends…

Like Giacomo Casanova who is known as one of the most famous lovers in history… and attributed his daring sex drive to eating 50 oysters each morning… which like maca, creates aphrodisiac effects in the body. 10

But It Has More Superpowers Than Just Being An Aphrodisiac…

It’s also a powerfully helpful adaptogen.

Remember— adaptogens are ingredients that support mood and dopamine levels in your body’s biggest sex organ, the brain.

In a 2002 study published in the journal Andrologia, maca root was given to men ages 21-56 years old…

Self-perception on sexual desire, score for Hamilton test for depression, and Hamilton test for anxiety were measured at 4, 8 and 12 weeks of treatment…

And the research group found an improvement in sexual desire with maca after just 8 weeks… as well as markers of positive mood and relaxation. 11 12

See— even though things like anxiety or stress are often overlooked when we talk about sexual desire and performance…

It’s actually one of the most important factors for your libido.

Because getting too much in your own head can reduce dopamine which basically mutes any signal from your brain to get excited “down there.”

That’s why things like a tough day at work, a stressful family issue, or even your lady getting a little too chummy with one of your buddies can leave you limp in the bedroom.

But this powerful peruvian superfood supports dopamine and a calm mind.

And possibly best of all…

A short 14-day study found maca root goes to work quickly... and significantly improved the self-rated sexual desire score compared to their evaluation before the study. 13

But listen… as awesome as maca root is…

It’s Really Just The Tip Of The Iceberg For What Ancient Superfoods Can Do When Combined Together...

Because even though maca root can help support that giddy “hot for teacher” feeling about sex again…

It’s a small piece of the puzzle. Because a complete sex drive is about more than desire

It’s also about how big and hard you can get…

How long you can go without needing a break…

And being able to keep that up no matter how many candles are on the birthday cake.

That’s why I’ve combined the full gamut of the most potent superfoods in the world…

Tested and proven to give you complete sexual performance…

By hacking into the 3 mechanisms that really matter when it comes to the bedroom…

And added them all together into an exciting new formula…

Man Mojo is the world’s first combination of the 6 most potent ancient superfoods

Supported in studies to boost libido, drive and energy…

By “switching on” the most important mechanisms for wild nights between the sheets

Teenage-like sexual desire…

Blood flow that pumps up the size and energy in your manhood…

And stamina to go as long as she wants no matter how intense the passion is.

With Man Mojo you’ll give her a gossip-worthy performance that she can brag about with her girlfriends who wish their partners still had it going on like you do.

Plus— each ingredient is 100% natural from God’s green earth

And support the mechanisms that sustain your desire, drive and stamina from the inside out…

Not the other way around like products you see on TV during football games… or in the “family planning” section at the drugstore.

So Before I Tell You Where To Claim Your Supply Of Man Mojo For A One-time,

Limited Discount That’s Available On This Page Only…

Let me tell you about the other ingredients inside.

The next ingredient inside Man Mojo is a plant native to Korea that’s been used for more than 2,000 years as a tonic to boost health and longevity.

And in “the most thorough scientific review to date” on libido-boosting herbs and superfoods, from the University of Guelph…

This ingredient made the top of the list14

So it was a no brainer to add it to Man Mojo.

It’s called Korean Panax Ginseng.

Like maca root, Korean Panax Ginseng is an adaptogen… that supports a healthy sex life by boosting the pleasure centers of the brain. 15

In fact— some experts call it “The King of Adaptogens”... and others call it...

A “Natural Sex Enhancer.” 16 17

In a study published in The Journal of Urology, 45 men were subjected to the International Index of Erectile Function questionnaire, as well as a RigiScan and penile duplex ultrasonographywhich is a bunch of high-tech stuff that measures erectile performance.

Half the men were then given either Korean Panax Ginseng 3 times per day for 8 weeks or a placebo…

At the end of the 8 weeks, the men who took Korean Panax Ginseng saw a noticeable boost in sexual performance.

The researchers found “Scores on penetration and maintenance were significantly higher in the ginseng than in the placebo group…

60% of the patients answered that Korean red ginseng improved erection…

Among other variables penile tip rigidity on RigiScan showed significant improvement for ginseng versus placebo.” 18

So not only did this potent adaptogen kick off the whole process by supporting pleasure chemicals in the brain… but that connection led to impressive erectile performance.

Researchers from the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine reviewed a group of studies that tested the effects of Korean Panax Ginseng on sexual performance…

And found in 85% of the studies it had a noticeable impact on sexual desire and erectile performance. 19

But what’s so impressive about this ingredient is that it’s not a one-trick pony.

Surprisingly, another study published in the Journal of Medical Investigation found Korean Panax Ginseng isn’t only an adaptogen…

But it also boosts blood flow to your manhood by relaxing blood vessels and widening arteries. 20

Because of both these benefits… the International Journal of Impotence Research says Korean Panax Ginseng…

“Supports all domains of sexual function and can be used as alternative medicine to improve sexual life.” 21

Next among these potent superfoods inside Man Mojo is an ingredient from Malaysia that “feeds” sex chemicals in the brain22

One man describes his experience with this herb saying…

“I Wanted Sex In
The Worst Way”...

And he was overcome with sexual fantasies about his wife…

And when they did give into the heat of the moment…

He stayed “firm” and “energized” until she was happy as a clam. 23

This exciting ingredient is tongkat ali.

According to studies, tongat ali boosts desire, stamina and endurance. A review of studies published in the Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines found a “remarkable association” between tongkat ali and sexual performance…

Calling it an “adaptogen of male sexual health.” 24

Another 2012 study from Malaysia tested the effects of tongkat ali or placebo on 109 men ages 30-55 years old… using the Quality of Life questionnaire and Sexual Well-Being tests.

At the end of the study, the tongkat ali group had higher scores in the overall Erectile Function domain questionnaire…

Sexual libido increased 14%, sperm motility increased 44.4%, and semen volume increased 18.2%. 25

The same research team was so impressed with the results from tongkat ali… and how it proved to be a natural aphrodisiac and energy booster… that they ran it through another test.

In this follow-up study, men aged 40-65 years old were given questionnaires that aimed to evaluate erectile function, satisfaction, sexual intercourse performance, erectile hardness, mood, and overall quality of life…

The results showed those who were given tongkat ali saw significant improvements in their desire to initiate sex, the hardness of their erections and feeling overall happier and healthier. 26

After tongkat ali…

The next ingredient inside Man Mojo is a libido-boosting compound found in bittersweet chocolate…

That Harvard University Says Will Stimulate Blood Flow To Your Manhood Quickly… 27 28

Because it absorbs into the body at rapid speed and starts going to work right away. 29

They’re called Cacao Polyphenols.

Cacao polyphenols boost blood flow…

And help maintain a bigger, better and more potent erection…

So she’ll be sure to notice a difference.

It mostly does this by stimulating nitric oxide in the body… 30

Which is an important mechanism that increases the flexibility and dilation of blood vessels “down there”.

See— as men get older our blood vessels begin to shrink and stiffen… which makes it hard for blood to travel through your body...

However several studies show maintaining healthy nitric oxide levels is one of the most important factors to keep blood flowing freely at any age for amazing sex. 31 32 33

Because without that blood flow going to your manhood it becomes nearly impossible to get and keep an erection…

But if it’s there… you’ll be unstoppable between the sheets.

In a study published in the Bratislava Medical Journal 53 men were given either a polyphenol supplement or a placebo…

And the men given the polyphenol supplement saw a 45% improvement in sexual performance compared to the placebo group… which was credited to the boost in nitric oxide and blood flow. 34

Next up is an ingredient found in evergreen trees from West Africa…

That has been accepted as a natural medical treatment to support male libido for more than 75 years. In fact…

It Was The First Natural Ingredient That Gave Synthetic Libido Boosters A Run For Their Money.

It’s called yohimbine HCL… and studies show that like cacao polyphenols, it supports sex drive and energy with its, “ability to stimulate blood flow by dilating blood vessels.”

It also stimulates the production of norepinephrine… an aphrodisiac chemical that is “essential in the formation of erections”...

Plus— yohimbine is believed to stimulate the pelvic nerve ganglia and also boost adrenaline supply to nerve endings...

Which supports sexual sensation, stamina, increased sexual vigor and prolonged erections. 35

On top of that, research also shows yohimbine can enhance the sexual experience and have you seeing fireworks because of how good it feels.

One study from the Institute of Urology and Nephrology in London tested the effects of yohimbine on 29 men… and concluded it supports “orgasmic health.” 36

After yohimbine…

We added another ingredient to Man Mojo that you may have heard of before…

But what you don’t know is that a lot of supplements actually use a watered-down form of it

Yet we’ve gone above and beyond to make sure you get the full, potent dose.

It’s called Tribulus Terrestris… with 95% total saponins

Which has also been called “pure tribulus” because it’s the preserved 95% saponin content that makes it as powerfully helpful as nature intended it to be.

What’s funny about tribulus is that Indian and Chinese herbalists have been using it for thousands of years to support libido and…

Western Scientists Used To Laugh At The Idea That It Could Ever Maintain Sexual Health…

Until They Started
Testing It In Labs.

Like cacao polyphenols and tongkat ali… tribulus terrestris supports natural nitric oxide production in the body…

Which opens blood vessels and directs blood flow to your manhood. 37

A 2017 study from Bulgaria tested the effects of tribulus terrestris vs. a placebo in 180 men ages 18-65. Half were given tribulus and the other half were given the placebo for 12-weeks.

Markers for sexual health and erectile function were taken at the end of each month.

According to researchers, “The scores improved significantly in the tribulus terrestris group compared with the placebo group.”

And there was, “a statistically significant difference between tribulus terrestris and placebo for Intercourse Satisfaction, Orgasmic Function, Sexual Desire, and Overall Satisfaction.” 38

In other words tribulus terrestris made these guys feel like beasts in the bedroom again.

It’s This Group Of God-given Libido-boosting Ingredients Combined Together… That Makes Man Mojo A Sex Support Formula That’s A Cut Above The Rest…

Because it’s natural and supports the most important functions needed for desire, performance and drive

And maintains the youthful excitement to get it on with your lady…

That makes her feel hot as hell

And has her showering you with compliments and calling you a stud all night long. All you have to do is take 4 easy to swallow capsules of Man Mojo with your first meal of the day

Or 30-60 minutes before sex…

And the potent superfoods inside Man Mojo will start going to work right away.

It’s that easy.

And if that sounds like something you’re interested in…

You Should Act Quickly And Claim Your Supply Right Now On This Page For This Limited Time Discount…

That Only Lasts A Few More Minutes While We Complete Your Order…

But before I tell you how to order, let me tell you about the price.

Let me start by saying I didn’t come up with the idea for Man Mojo to get rich…

I teamed up with a group of engineers to bring this formula to life because of all the interactions I’ve had with guys over the years…

Who were desperate for a solution to support their sex drive, energy and confidence in the bedroom.

So even though the ingredients inside Man Mojo are rare and expensive

And would cost you hundreds of dollars to get on your own

I struck a deal with the manufacturers to bring the cost of Man Mojo down to the lowest possible price

So You Can Boost Your Libido Affordably…

Seriously— if you were to try and track down all the ingredients inside Man Mojo

It could run you up to $347 or more per month… and even then you run the risk of not getting the ingredients in their right dosages or getting some watered-down form of it.

But when you claim your supply of Man Mojo today…

You won’t have to pay hundreds of dollars for this potent formula…

Instead you can order 1 bottle of Man Mojo for just $59.95

But it really gets exciting when you choose the 3 or 6 bottle option…

Because remember…

Most of the studies I mentioned today lasted between 60-90 days…

Which means if you want to get the very best results from Man Mojo, you’ll want to take it for a couple of months at least…

Plus— studies show the ingredients inside Man Mojo have a “compounding effect”...

Which Means They Get Better Over Time…

So for that reason…

I’m going to give you an even better deal when you decide to purchase a 3 or 6-month supply of Man Mojo.

When you select the 3 bottle option

You’ll get the bottles for just $149.85

And when you select the 6 bottle option

You’ll get the bottles for just $299.70

Which is $49.95 per bottle.

So I Guess You Could Say Smart Men Buy More…

So here’s what to do next…

All you have to do to claim your bottles of Man Mojo today…

Is select either the 3 bottle option, the 6 bottle option, or whatever works best for you…

And click the “Add To Order” button

After that we’ll ship your supply of Man Mojo in a discreet brown package to the address provided right away…

So no one has to know you’re using this formula but you.

There’s no need to re-enter your credit card information. We’ve already got that squared away from your order of Man Greens.

Plus— your order is backed by the same 365 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee you got with your bottles of Man Greens…

And you’ll get FREE shipping on your bottles of Man Mojo as well…

So this really is a zero-risk, all reward opportunity for you to have the time of your life in the bedroom.

So do that now…

And I’ll see you on the next page.

Choose Your Bottle Amount Below…


Today’s Price: $59.95