If You Want To Get The Most Out Of Man Greens Do NOT Ignore This Important Warning…

Do NOT Click The “Back” Button. It May Cause Errors To Your Order.

Chad here one last time…

And before you go I want to give you one final gift opportunity. There aren’t any other offers after this page so please read everything below. I promise I’ll keep it short.

Now that you’ve already claimed your bottles of Man Greens and have made the excellent decision to boost your testosterone, vitality, energy… and keep your drive and excitement for life chugging full steam ahead

I want to help you…

Flush The #1 Most Dangerous Hormone For Men Out Of Your Body In Just 6 Seconds Every Morning…

This dangerous hormone is estrogen… which isn’t bad on its own. You need some of it…

But the problem for men today isn’t having too little estrogen… it’s having too much estrogen… which causes something called “estrogen dominance”.

Estrogen dominance is a new problem for men because these days…

Estrogens are hidden in nearly everything you touch, eat and drink…

And they invade the body, lower your testosterone levels…

And studies show estrogen dominance in men is the root cause of stubborn belly fat, jiggly man boobs, low energy… it can even cause “man problems” in the bedroom.

And I mean it, man… estrogens are everywhere. Studies show they can be found in…

  • Air fresheners
  • Body spray
  • Bottled water
  • Cash register receipts
  • Canned foods or drinks
  • Cell phone
  • Chewing gum
  • Cologne
  • Dairy products
  • Grains
  • Laundry detergent
  • Non-organic fruit
  • Non-organic meat
  • Non-organic vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Plastic bags
  • Plastic bottles
  • Plastic wrap
  • Shampoos
  • Shaving cream or gel
  • Sleep aids
  • Tap water
  • And more…

And this increase in estrogen exposure…

Is A Huge Reason Why Testosterone Levels Are On The Decline For Men…

But the good news is there’s a 6-second trick you can do every morning when you wake up…

That’ll flush feminizing estrogens out of your body and support healthy testosterone levels…

So you can get all the benefits out of Man Greens that you’re expecting…

And an even more noticeable boost in your testosterone levels, drive and performance in the gym, the office, the bedroom, and everywhere else…

Because there’s a combination of rare ingredients…

That's been shown in studies to protect men from estrogen dominance…

By flushing chemical estrogens out of the body through the liver

And blocking an enzyme called “aromatase”...

Which Is A Pesky Enzyme That Converts Your Hard-Earned Testosterone Into Estrogen…

And that’s why it’s so important you keep reading this last page before we complete your order…

Because it would really suck to boost your testosterone levels with Man Greens…

Only for this pesky aromatase enzyme to turn that testosterone into estrogen…

Because like I said before…

Estrogen is the root cause of a big, round belly… jiggly man boobs… low energy… and lack of sex drive

And if aromatase converts more of your testosterone into estrogen…

Those Feminine Features May Become Even More Stubborn Than They Are Already…

So before we complete your order…

Let me tell you about 4 ingredients that’ll put an end to the struggle with estrogen dominance and keep you at your best

And then I’ll tell you where you can grab all the ingredients for dirt cheap.

The first estrogen-lowering and T-boosting ingredient is boron… which is a rare yet powerful mineral that every man should know about.

A study published in the journal Integrative Medicine found after just 7 days of taking boron…

Men Increased Free Testosterone Levels By 28% And Lowered Estrogen Levels By -39%... 1

Boron has also been shown in studies to boost vitamin D levels in the body… 2

Which is crucial for men… because studies show that men with higher vitamin D levels also have higher testosterone levels. And…

The men in the study increased free testosterone levels by 29.5% on average thanks to the boost in vitamin D from boron supplementation. So yeah…

Boron is a rare nutrient that should be a staple in every guy's routine to beat estrogen dominance and keep your testosterone levels high and healthy. But don’t stop there…

The next ingredient you need to flush excess estrogen out of the body and support your testosterone is indole carbinol 3 (IC-3)...

IC-3 Is found in cruciferous vegetables… but the reason you can’t just eat more greens and think you’re in the clear…

Is because cruciferous vegetables are high in fiber… and studies show high fiber diets lower testosterone… 3 4

So Supplementing With IC-3 Instead Of Consuming A Ton Of Fibrous Vegetables Is Actually Optimal For Men.

IC-3 helps the liver metabolize and flush estrogen quickly…

And converts strong estrogen molecules into a less potent form of estrogen… which also helps to lower levels.

In studies published in the Journal of Nutrition… researchers found a daily IC-3 supplement significantly increased estrogen clearance through urine…

Which basically means…

Subjects Were Pissing Excess Estrogen Right Out Of Their Bodies And Flushing Them Down The Toilet… 5 6

So there’s no doubt that combining IC-3 with boron is going to make a noticeable difference.

The next ingredient you’ll want to have is resveratrol… which is a compound found on the skin of red grapes…

That increases testosterone, and reverses estrogen dominance by blocking aromatase7 8 9

Remember that aromatase is an enzyme that turns male hormones into female ones…

So by blocking this enzyme with resveratrol… you’ll both lower estrogen and boost testosterone at the same time.

It also helps your body convert cholesterol into testosterone. If you didn’t know already… 10

Cholesterol is an “infant” form of testosterone…

And resveratrol helps that cholesterol “mature” so to speak…

So that it converts into testosterone more quickly. Now…

The issue with resveratrol is that it has insanely low bioavailability

Meaning it’s hard for the body to absorb resveratrol and utilize it so you get the estrogen-lowering and testosterone-boosting benefits..

But there’s a super-potent form of resveratrol called VESIsorb®

That's 100x More Absorbable Than The Resveratrol You Find In Most Supplements… 11

And I’ll show you how to get this high-powered, natural aromatase blocker for dirt cheap in just a minute.

But before I get there…

Let me tell you about the final ingredient you need to combine with the other three…

To win the war against estrogen dominance and protect your testosterone levels…

And studies show this is one of the most important nutrients in the world for men. This ingredient is zinc…

And a study published in the Journal of Research in Medicinal Sciences found most men are NOT getting enough zinc in their diets to maintain healthy testosterone levels… 12

But the good news is studies show that by supplementing with a specific kind of highly absorbable zinc… (that you can’t find at the drugstore)...

You can boost testosterone levels regardless of age, weight, or other lifestyle factors. 13

And in-vitro studies show…

Zinc Can Decrease The Amount Of Estrogens That Connect With “Estrogen Receptors” In The Body By 57%… 14 15

Which is crucial for keeping estrogen levels low…

Because as long as those estrogens can’t connect to the estrogen receptors…

They won’t have any effect on your body and male hormones. And instead…

They’ll get sent to the liver where they’ll get flushed out of your system.

But not just any zinc will do.

Zinc comes pretty cheap these days… and the reason it’s so cheap is because it’s not very powerful. But there’s one form of zinc that’s been shown in studies to be the most effective and absorbable for men…

Called zinc picolinate… 16

And zinc picolinate will give you the estrogen-flushing and testosterone-boosting benefits of zinc in just seconds each morning… better than any lesser form of zinc can.

These 4 Ingredients Will Fight “Estrogen Dominance”...

Set Up A Defense Shield Around Your Male Hormones…

And Give You A Noticeable Super-Boost In Testosterone When Combined With Man Greens…

And that’s why my team and myself have made a way for you to get all 4 of these ingredients into your daily routinein just 6-seconds…

So you can be one of the few guys who isn’t affected by estrogen dominance…

Runs circles around those guys that are…

Look harder and better with your shirt off…

Keep your energy levels high…

And your sex drive running full steam ahead.

All you have to do is stack the supply of Man Greens that you purchased a moment ago with our powerhouse estrogen-clearing formula…

Man Boost uses all 4 of the rare and natural ingredients I mentioned on this page to lower estrogen levels in men and boost testosterone as a result. And…

By STACKING Man Greens with Man Boost for this limited time discount… that’s only available while we finish completing your order…

You’ll reverse estrogen dominance…

Keep your estrogen at an optimal level for men…

And send your testosterone levels through the roof…

Because not only will you get the big T-boost from Man Greens AND the ingredients in Man Boost…

But after you get and keep your estrogen levels “in check”

You’ll Easily Achieve The Highest Testosterone Levels You’ve Had In Years And Likely Decades…

By simply adding Man Boost to your supplement stack today for this limited time discount. Plus…

You’ll have peace of mind knowing that as you increase testosterone levels with Man Greens…

You won’t have to worry about that pesky aromatase enzyme converting your hard-earned testosterone levels into estrogen…

Which will be almost impossible if you pass up on Man Boost.

So like I said… Man Boost is the perfect supplement to stack your supply of Man Greens with…

And that’s why I want to give you an opportunity to…

Add Man Boost To Your Order For A Limited Time Discount That You Won’t Get Ever Again.

On this page only and while we’re finishing up your order…

You can get your supply of Man Boost for as low as $39.99 per bottle depending on which bottle amount you choose…

And that’s typically how much you’ll spend on just one or two of the ingredients in our formula…

So being able to get all 4 for that price is huge savings. Plus…

Your bottles of Man Boost will be backed up by the same 365-day 100% money back guarantee that you got with Man Greens…

So there’s absolutely zero-risk…

And you can try out Man Boost… see how it makes you feel…

And if you don’t love it… just let me know and you’ll get a full refund. Plus…

I’ll give you FREE shipping on your bottles of Man Boost…

Which wipes another $14.95 off your order today.

So here’s the deal…

We’re About To Complete Your Order And Need To Know If We Can Add Bottles Of Man Boost…

So go ahead and select how many bottles you’d like us to send you below…

Click the “Add To Order” button…

And we’ll complete your order after you do that…

So you can protect your testosterone levels…

Win the war against estrogen dominance that slows so many guys down…

And get the most out of life.

Again… there aren’t any other offers past this page…

And this is the only time you’ll get this generous of a discount on bottles of Man Boost…

So go ahead and claim your bottles now… and keep in touch and let me know about your results.

Choose Your Bottle Amount Below…


Today’s Price: $49.95